Hard Candy and Lollipops


Want to learn how to make hard candy & lollipops? We'll show you how!

RECIPE TIP: When making hard candy, it’s important to use a flavoring that is highly concentrated. LorAnn's Super-Strength flavorings (candy oils) are designed withstand exposure high heat without losing flavor. Be sure to use a candy thermometer when making this recipe.


  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2/3 cup light corn syrup
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1 dram (1 teaspoon)* LorAnn Super Strength flavoring, any flavor 
  • LorAnn Liquid Gel Food Coloring (as desired)
  • Hard Candy Molds (optional)
  • Powdered sugar (optional)
  • Sucker bags & twist ties (optional)


Make sure your thermometer measures accurately; in boiling water it should read 212°F (100°C). Have all ingredients and tools assembled and within easy reach of the stove. The use of metal spoons and measuring utensils is recommended. Line a rimmed baking sheet/jelly roll pan with foil and lightly oil or spray with non-stick cooking spray (such as PAM). If using molds, lightly spray cavities of clean, dry candy molds with non-stick cooking spray. Insert sucker sticks. If using molds, you may also want to spray a piece of aluminum foil with cooking spray. If after pouring the syrup into the molds you have excess candy, you can pour it onto the foil for break-up candy

  1. In a heavy (good quality) 2-quart saucepan, mix together sugar, corn syrup and water. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves.
  2. Insert candy thermometer if using, making certain it does not touch the bottom of the pan. Bring mixture to a boil without stirring.
  3. Early in the cooking process, "wash down" any sugar crystals that form on the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush.
  4. Continue to cook the syrup, without stirring, until the temperature reaches 260ºF; add drops of coloring until desired hue is achieved. Do not stir; boiling action will incorporate color into syrup.
  5. Remove from heat precisely at 300°F (temperature will continue rising), or until drops of syrup form hard,  brittle threads in cold water (hard crack stage). After boiling action has ceased, add flavor and stir. USE CAUTION WHEN ADDING FLAVORING TO AVOID RISING STEAM.
  6. Carefully pour syrup into prepared molds or onto the prepared greased and foil lined cookie sheet. (As the sugar mixture begins to set up, you may want to score with a large knife to mark squares.) Do not refrigerate.
  7. Cool completely. Break sheet candy into small pieces and dust with powdered sugar, if desired. Store in airtight containers between waxed paper. If making lollipops, do not dust with powdered sugar, but place in sucker bags and secure with twist ties. Store hard candy in a cool, dry place. Do not refrigerate.

Tip: For easy clean-up, simply soak your pot and utensils in hot water until the hardened candy is dissolved.

Another alternative is to pour the hot candy onto a heat-resistant surface covered in powdered sugar.

When the candy is slightly cooled, it can be cut with well-oiled scissors into pillow-shaped pieces (you may want to wear heat-resistant gloves, such as rubber, to protect hands from heat).

UDETAIL4965 https://youtu.be/Oy6tpmhAR3c https://youtu.be/Oy6tpmhAR3c

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Customer reviews

4.9 (21)

17 reviews

Karen 12/27/2024
I have used this oil for as long as I can remember(I'm old) Always turns out great
JLDJ 12/27/2024
This is absolutely the best and easiest candy. I just started making it and my family can not get enough. I love it because I control what goes into the candy. I look forward to making more.
Kathy Carlson 12/15/2024
We have a family tradition of making approximately 50 batches every year. Son, daughter in law, 4 grandchildren and grandma and grandpa make the candy. In the meantime neighbors, friends of the grandchildren all stop in and each gets to pick out their flavor. About an 8 hour process but have done this for the last 18 years. Just a great fun time for everyone.
Ronda Affholder 12/14/2024
I have been using your oils for years now, never disappointed. My family and friends look forward to getting it. This year I am using a verity of flavors. Making 12 batches this year.
Shirley Cottrell 12/13/2024
I have been making this hard candy since 1970 and I am originally from West Virginia and the local church made the cinnamon candy and I wanted to make it after I moved to Kansas and then to Missouri. I got the name of the oil from them and I have increased my flavors and have MANY (probably at least 15) that I make every December. I have so many who want my candy too. It is such a great candy and your oils are so tasty. I appreciate your products so much and I am passing this tradition to several too. THANK YOU.
Lisa Dvorak 12/9/2024
I love your flavoring, well at least the cinnamon so far. Every time I make a batch it’s gone. I have people standing I line to buy. I’m going to try the lemon next I’m excited
Flora Zurcher 11/28/2024
We make about 24 batches and send to wherever our son is currently stationed in the army. This Christmas, it's going to Germany. The soldiers love getting it and we enjoy making it. We send it in baggies, sometimes it's labeled and sometimes it is a game of guess that flavor.
Breanna 11/12/2024
I've made 4 batches so far and every batch has been absolutely perfect. Love this recipe so much
LorAnn Custumer Care 11/25/2024
Wow you've made 4 batches that's great
Lori 9/9/2024
I love this recipe. The banana cream is really good. Also butterscotch.
John 2/10/2024
Made candy for the first time with this recipe. Worked great even when my candy thermometer failed.
LorAnn Costumer Care 11/25/2024
Your thermometer failed you can buy on from our shop its only $5.75 .
Tammy Stull 1/21/2024
absolutely love lorannoils.com. we make and sell Christmas presents and gift bags every year for extra money for the kids to buy things for the homeless
Susie H 1/14/2024
I have been making this candy with my Mom for many years. It is always the best and the cinnamon flavor continues to be THE Christmas candy. The tradition has now been passed on to my granddaughters and new flavors have been made but the cinnamon always ends up on top.
Lolita McLendon 1/2/2024
I love your candy flavors
Angelia Harris 12/24/2023
I have been using Lorann oils as long as I can remember cinnamon is our favorite I have tried other flavors but still go back to cinnamon !
Ruby 12/21/2023
Easy recipe to follow. I use it every year.
LorAnn Costumer Care 11/25/2024
Thanks for following our recipe and using it every year.
Amy 12/21/2023
I find when it starts to harden, to score with a pizza cutter.
Michelle 12/17/2023
I have used a different recipe for years. That one used double the amount of sugar and corn syrup but also used 1 dram of flavoring. While it tasted good, I always felt like the flavor wasn't strong enough. This recipe was perfect! I used watermelon and the flavor popped! Will only use this one from now on. Thanks. Could I double the recipe?
LorAnn Customer Care 1/16/2024
Great to hear you found the perfect recipe, Michelle! This will lead you to our large batch hard candy recipe, which suggests using two - 1 dram bottles/2 teaspoons of our super strength flavors (Please note our cinnamon, clove and peppermint flavors are particularly potent. You may wish to reduce the amount used for these flavors): https://lorannoils.com/products/recipe/candy/hard-candy-recipe-large-batch

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