Colorful Cotton Candy Apples


LorAnn's Cotton Candy flavoring gives a fun twist to candy apples. Be sure to calibrate your thermometer first!


6-8 medium apples (washed, dried & stems removed)
3 cups white sugar
½ cup light corn syrup
1 cup water
1 tsp LorAnn Super-Strength Cotton Candy Flavor
2 Tbsp white liquid food coloring
1–2 tsp gel food coloring of your choice
Candy apple sticks
1 package cotton candy for garnish

Other Things You'll Need:
Cookie sheet
Non-stick spray
Heavy-duty boiler or sauce pan
Candy thermometer
Rubber spatula


1. Lightly spray cookie sheet with non-stick spray and set aside.

2. In saucepan, mix together sugar, corn syrup, water, and white liquid food coloring. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves.

3. Insert candy thermometer, making sure it does not touch the bottom of the pan. Bring mixture to a boil without stirring. 

4. Early in the cooking process, wipe down any sugar crystals that form on the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush.

5. Continue to cook the syrup, without stirring, until the temperature reaches 302 °F/150° C. This will take about 20 minutes. Immediately remove pan from heat and stir in gel food coloring. After boiling action has ceased, stir in the LorAnn Cotton Candy Flavor. Stir gently to mix in flavor evenly, but without adding too much air. You’ll want to work quickly, because the candy will start to cool immediately.

6. Tilt the pan to create a deep pool of sugar syrup. Insert a stick into the apple and dip one apple into the syrup, turning to cover the apple completely. Allow any excess syrup to drip back into the pan, then place the apple on the prepared cookie sheet. Repeat with remaining apples.

7. Allow the coated apples to cool completely at room temperature for about 1 hour. Top with cotton candy. Enjoy!

Recipe PDF

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Colorful Cotton Candy Apples
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